Frequently Used Forms

Access the University of Miami's frequently used forms for Conga Contracts.

Access Request Forms

Requester Role Request Form

This form is used to request access to create and submit contract requests in Conga Contracts. Once all fields of the form have been completed, email to from your UM email account.


Contract Owner or Approver Role Request Form

This form is used to request a change in access in Conga Contracts for a user from a participating central contracting unit (CCU) with a Contract Owner role OR a department user with a Contract Approver role. All fields of the form must be completed, including signatures for all required approvals by the appropriate department leaders, prior to being submitted. Once approved, scan and email to from your UM email account.


Department Head Access Request Form

A department head (chair, dean, senior business or administrative officer, or their designee) may request Department Head Access in Conga Contracts. This access will allow the department head to view/access all* contracts in Conga Contracts associated with their department. Please complete all fields in the form before submission. Once the form is complete, scan and email it to from your UM email account. Once the Conga governance committee approves, you will receive a notification that your department head access has been granted.

