About the Workday-to-Conga Requisition Integration

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About the Workday-to-Conga Requisition Integration

For contract requests requiring a Workday purchase order, you must initiate your purchase requisition in Workday, then wait for it to route through financial approvals. Once all financial approvals are completed in Workday, the Workday-to-Conga integration will run and a Draft contract request will be created in Conga Contracts. Multiple fields will be pre-populated for you, reducing the amount of data you must manually enter. Once the integration is triggered, you will receive an automatic email notification prompting you to log into Conga Contracts to complete your request; this notification will have instructions to facilitate your submission.


Important Information

  • Contract requests that require a Workday Purchase Order must be initiated in Workday via a Purchase Requisition, not in the Conga System directly.
    • Important: Contract requests manually entered in Conga will NOT be accepted unless you have been specifically instructed to submit this way by a member of the procurement staff.

  • The integration will create a Draft contract request in Conga once all financial approvals are received in Workday.

  • You will receive an automatic email notification from Conga prompting you to complete your Draft request. This email will come from a different email address than previously: noreply.congacontracts@miami.edu
    • Tip: Add this email to your Outlook address book so you never miss a notification.

When to Submit a Procurement Contract Request Directly in Conga

In the following scenarios, the Workday-Conga integration will not be relevant to your contract request, and you may submit your contract request directly in Conga using the request form entitled "Purchasing (Academy/MSOM) & Supply Chain Services (UHealth) Request Form (LIMITED USE)":

– 1) where no Workday Purchase Order is required. Examples of situations where a Workday PO is not required include (i) where the University is negotiating a master agreement that will be used for future purchases, or (ii) the contract is a confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement.

– 2) where all products are being purchased through Meperia. In this situation, a Meperia Purchase Order is required, not a Workday Purchase Order. Examples of purchases requiring a Meperia purchase order include items from the University’s virtual item master, such as medical sponges.

– 3) when specifically instructed by a procurement team member to submit a contract request directly in Conga.


Click Here for Instructions


Have Questions?

Please contact the appropriate procurement training team via email:
